Tuesday, January 1, 2008


I’ve noticed a number of people have begun shying away from resolutions citing their failure to follow through with them, and while I see the point of avoiding unnecessary frustration, I don’t see the point of failing to embrace possibility—and that’s the way I view resolutions.What’s wrong with dreaming big at the beginning of a new year? I love having the opportunity to start fresh each January 1st with nothing but a blank sheet of paper and my imagination to guide me.

I suppose it might have something to do with having taught for so long: each semester is a fresh start, and each preparatory period before each new semester is a time to reflect and plan all the ways this semester is going to be the one during which teaching and learning collide head-on.

It might also have to do with my being a writer: if I weren’t a dreamer, I wouldn’t (and couldn’t) be a writer.

I suppose it also is a statement that reflects my age: I am still young enough to believe there is an infinite a lengthy amount of time at my disposal, and because I am in a good mood, I’m not going to dwell on reality where this point is concerned. (I’m thinking of you, Mike.)

I’m happy to have discovered several (new-to-me) writers in 2007, and there’s more to say about that later; however, for now, I’ll just say that I “discovered” two wonderful productivity tools that I test drove at the end of last year, and much of my 2008 is going to be based on those tools.

Let the embracing of possibilities begin:

  1. Take the Gotham Writers’ Workshop Level I Fiction Writing Class
    • Mid to Late 2008
  2. Take the Gotham Writers’ Workshop Level I [Genre] Writing Class
    • Early to Mid 2009
  3. Bird by Bird
  4. Writing Down the Bones

1. Review and Revise Plan Monthly

  1. The 2YN – Year 1 (Unearthed)
  2. Test Case
    • Submit by 04/15/08
  3. “The Cure”
    • Submit by 06/15/08
  4. “The Well”
    • Submit by 09/15/08
  5. Unearthed
    • Submit by 12/31/08
  6. Scribbled Stories, Volume I
    • Writing Completed by 10/01/08
    • Printing Completed by 11/01/08
  7. Contest #1
  8. Contest #2
  9. Contest #3
  10. Contest #4
  11. Contest #5
  12. Contest #6

1. Write at least 5 days each week.
2. Never miss a post at SHdN.
3. Post at least two Scribbled Stories each month.
4. Podcast at least two Scribbled Stories each month.
5. Enter SIX contests in 2008.
6. Complete the 2008 NaNoWriMo.
7. Get Scribbled Stories up at iTunes.
8. Get Scribbled Stories up at Podiobooks.

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